Just as we have previously provided various items of interest in the download section of our website, such as our printout for the year-long Posism practice from Pierre de Lasenic’s, The Book of Works, we would also like to offer two new items, which are related to the practice of divination and, in particular, where the practice of the sidereal pendulum is concerned. Both of these sheets that we have provided were previously owned and stamped by Franz Bardon himself. These printouts are also both in Czech, however, in addition to this, we have also provided a separate download, which is an English translation for all of the terms that are in Czech, related to these two sheets, so that they may be enjoyed by the passive reader or the active student alike.
Given the fact that we have no written notes related to these two practice sheets, which Franz Bardon owned, we can assume that he would have at least found either of them of some value or interest of some kind, to the extent that he stamped both of them, as Bardon also owned foldouts from other works, which he sometimes did not stamp, and sometimes it would appear that he would stamp certain pages in his books, if there was a chart or certain content that had significance. So whether he used them himself or not, we cannot confirm in writing, however, they both appear to have had some use, so it is possible that he did use these sheets, though as to how much or whether it is really due to age, we would have to leave this question open.
Therefore, we can recommend these practice sheets to anyone who is at least practicing the fifth step of Franz Bardon’s Initiation Into Hermetics and, of course, for anyone who has surpassed this point in their training and would like to revisit this section for their own personal development. However, anyone with the ability to work with a sidereal pendulum practically is, of course, more than welcome to work with these printouts, as they please, since this was the original intent of them being produced. We have simply given the step 5 guideline as a suggestion of being at the point of working with Franz Bardon’s system, in which one would find such methods to be of the highest benefit and advantageous for one’s own personal development.
You can find the files in the “Downloads” section or at this link: https://gum.co/WCjf
Astrid + Matthew