Initiation Into Martinism by Pierre de Lasenic

This book offers a rare look into a Hermetic school that historically chose to remain away from the spotlight and where not that many materials about Martinism have been written, this book offers a look behind the curtain into this enigmatic path or “the way of the heart.”  In this book, Pierre de Lasenic offers initiatory material that is divided into two degrees, which can be considered universal and a more than useful guide for anyone on the Hermetic path, whether they’re initiated in a lodge or a solitary practitioner.

Alchemical Tarot by Theofanus Abba

This is a very unique Tarot deck, in more ways than one, as it holds the mystery for the creation of the Philosopher’s Stone within its color correspondence and symbolism of the Major Arcana, which intimately follows the Great Work of alchemy, as Abba himself was an alchemist who was also known for having transmuted silver.

Full deck of 78 cards in its full, vivid color and beauty

Sexual Mysteries by Pierre de Lasenic

This is the first book of the Czech Hermetics Series, in which we will introduce some of the brightest Hermetics of the Czech Republic to the international community.
This is a rare look into an extremely rich and vibrant tradition of Mystics, Magicians, and Hermetics.

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